Sunday, June 26, 2011

The tao of pooh - a book of simplicity

Everyday of our lives we go through challenges and they say it's up to us on how we'd like to perceive our everyday challenges in a positive or negative way. I have come to a unique solution, well, it's more of my own special way (which I would like to share to you) of dealing with everyday challenges. You see, I am not a flawless person, more often than not the challenges that I come across with are results of my own mis-judgement or plainly my own doings...what kept me on the ground was my ability to keep my inner child, my ability to think of simple things, simple solutions. 

I think that if we are to keep our inner child, we may be able to go through a day's challenge more simpler. I have read this book, "The tao of pooh": "You'd be surprised how many people violate this simple principle every day of their lives and try to fit square pegs into round holes, ignoring the clear reality that Things Are As They Are."   It has taught me to realize the essence of simplicity, that perhaps we are the one's complicating things around us. Also, I have observed that being able to keep our inner child keeps us from being too proud and it helps us keep ourselves grounded. Often, every time we have proved something or have reached something, it instantly grows inside our heads unconsciously. Also, as we grow older and learn a lot of things, we tend to over think problems that we normally fail to see the surface. "The surest way to become Tense, Awkward, and Confused is to develop a mind that tries too hard - one that thinks too much."  Taking into consideration, however, that keeping our inner child does not mean being shallow. A child, when given a toy or a candy is easily pleased, in our case, this simply means: being able to appreciate the simple things, being able to see the beauty of those we have taken forgranted, like a tree, a flower, the beach...from the things that are right infront of us, offered to us for free; to being able to eat 3x a day; to those simple rewards that we treat ourselves to when whenever we can. 

Through this, we are able to find happiness and content despite of the everyday challenges we face, we are able to perceive our sufferings as a great lesson no one can teach us, we are able to see the positive things surrounding us and in return, it is easier for us to be happy. Afterall, it is just us who makes happiness sound like rocket science...when it never was the case. Happiness, I realized has always been beyond our reach, sometimes we get so blinded that we miss it...but there is always tomorrow to try again.

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